CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > History > Outside Delhi Set-I
HISTORY (Set I— Outside Delhi)
Q. 1. State two ways by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar to promote the cause of Sanskrit and other Languages. Q. 2. Mention two main objectives of the Congress as stated by Sir Wyomesh Chandra Banerji as its first President.
Q. 3. Examine two objectives behind the Wavell plan of October 1948.
Q. 4. Describe briefly the social condition of Indian society during the 18th Century.
Describe briefly the contribution of Bail Ran I in strengthening the Maratha Empire.
Q. 5. Explain the causes and results of the Second Carnatic war (1749-1754). 5
Explain the sinester implications in the dual system of administration in Bengal.
Q. 6. Explain briefly any five socio-religious causes of the Revolt of 1857.
Explain how the Revolt of 1857 was the First war for National Independence.
Q. 7. Why was the need for the reorganisation of army felt after the Revolt of 1857? Give reasons.
Explain the consequences of the Introduction of the direct rule of the British on India after 1867.
Q. 8. Explain the role played by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar as a great revolutionary in the hisotry of India.
Explain why the revolutionaries had not been successful in their mission inspite of high degree of motivation and personal sacrifice.
Q. 9. Describe two early experiments of Mahatma Gandhi with Satyagraha in India (Champaran and Kheda Satyagraha). 8
Describe the contributions of Swaraj Party in the Legislative Council and Provincial Legislatures.
Q. 10. Explain the far reaching consequences of Partition of Bengal. How did the Indians react to it?
Explain the aims of Home Rule Movement started by Annie Besant. What was its impact on the Indian National Movement.
Q. 11. Explain the role of Subhash Chandra Bose in Indian Freedom Struggle.
Read the following statement carefully *bout the purpose of founding the Congress in 1885 and answer the, questions given below it.
Q. 12. On the given outline map of India locate and label the following:
Any one centres of Revolt of 1857 in Southern India.

On the given outline map of India locate and label the places where the Congress sessions were held in the following years:
1885, 1907, 1916, 1926, 1938
Note: The questions and answers to the questions for the Blind students in lieu of Q. 12 are the same as the above’ questions.
Q. 13. Mention two steps taken by Weimar Republic in 1928 to acquire political stability in Germany. Q. 14. State two reason for the defeat of Germany in the Battle of Stalingrad.
Q. 15. Explain briefly any two reform programmes of Mustafa Kamal Pasha to transform Turkey into a modern state.
Q. 16. Mention any two of the twelve International conventions relating to terrorism, passed by UN.
Q. 17. How did the invention of Television bring about a revolution in the field of mass media. Give any two points.
Q. 18. Explain briefly two advancements in Science and Technology, which gave birth to newer and faster modes of transport.
Q. 19. State the terms of agreement signed between Russia and Japan in1904. Why did Japan sever its relation with Russia?
Briefly state the terms of the treaty of Sevres of 1920 signed between the Allies and the Turkey after the World War I.
Q. 20. Explain briefly how the World War II really boosted America’s economic might. 5
Explain why is the Spanish Civil War described as a “Little World War”. Give two reasons.
Q. 21. What is Apartheid? How did it come to an end in South Africa?
Why did the Russian economy go down hill dispute Mikhail Gorbachev’s various reforms?
Q. 22. Explain the causes of the end of Colonial Empires after the World War. 8
Explain the policy of appeasement and the reasons to adopt it. How did it lead to the World War.
Q. 23. On the given political outline map of Africa locate and label the following European colonial possession in 1914.
Five possessions of Britain.
Five possession of France.

CBSE 2004 Question Papers Class XII