CBSE Geography Class 6

India, Climate, vegetation and wild life

India, Climate, vegetation and wild life - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Points To Remember:

  • The tiger is our national animal. Gir forest in Gujarat is the home of Asiatic lions. Elephant, one-horned rhinoceroses, camel, wild asses, wild goats, snow leopards, sloth bears, wolf are some unique animals to India
  • Due to cutting of forests and hunting several species of wildlife in India are declining rapidly. Many National park, sanctuaries and biospheres reserves have been set up. The Government has started project tiger and project elephant to protect these animals
  • Natural vegetation refers to the plant communities that develop in the absence of human activities
  • Tropical rain forests are so dense that sunlight doesn’t reach the ground. Many species of trees are found in these forests, which shed their leaves at different times of the year. As a result, they always appear green and are called evergreen forest
  • Deciduous Forestare also called monsoon forests. They are less dense. Important trees of these forests are Sal, teak, peepal, neem and shisham
  • In mountain vegetation most of the trees are conical in shape. With increase in height, the temperature falls. At a height between 1500 metres to 2500 metres, most of the trees are conical in shape. These trees are called coniferous trees.
  • Forest provide us with so many things like timber, fuel wood, herbs, lac etc.Plants release oxygen that we breathe and absorb carbon dioxide. The roots of the plants bind the soil; thus, controlling the soil erosion. Forests provide us with fodder, medicinal plants and herbs, lac, honey, gum etc. Forests are the natural habitat of wild life.
  • We should plant more trees and protect the existing ones and make the people aware of the importance of trees.

Chapter 2: India, Climate, vegetation and wild life