Chapter 14 - Mensuration

Example 5. A hemispherical bowl of contains some liquid. This liquid is to be filled into cylindrical shaped bottles each of diameter 5cm and height 6cm. Find the number of bottle necessary to empty the bowl.

Solution:- Inner radius R of the bowl = 30/2 = 15cm

Inner radius r of the bottles = 5/2cm

Height, h of bottles = 6cm

Let no. of bottles required be x

Vol of x bottle = vol. of hemisphere

No. of bottles = 60

Maths by Mr. M. P. Keshari
Subjects Maths (Part-1) by Mr. M. P. Keshari
Chapter 9 Circle
Chapter 10 Tangents to a circle
Chapter 11 Geometrical Construction
Chapter 12 Troigonometry
Chapter 13 Height and Distance
Chapter 14 Mensuration
Chapter 15 Statistics
Chapter 16 Probability
Chapter 17 Co-ordinate Geometry