CBSE Science Class 8

Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

Synthetic Fibres and Plastics - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Points To Remember:

  • Fibres are used for making a large variety of household articles
  • Natural fibres like cotton, wool, silk etc., are obtained from plants and synthetic fibres are made by human beings by chemical processing of petrochemicals
  • Like natural fibres synthetic fibres and plastics are made of very large units called polymers, and polymers are made of many smaller units
  • Synthetic fibres are used for making many household articles like ropes, buckets, container, furniture, etc., other applications involves in aircrafts, ships, space- crafts, healthcare, etc.
  • Different fibres have different strength, nature of burning, water absorbing capacity, cost, durability etc.
  • Synthetic fibres are of different types depending upon the types of chemical used in its manufacturing, they are nylon, rayon, polyester and acrylic. Plastics find extensive use in the healthcare industry, like for packaging of tablets; thread used for stitching wounds, syringes, doctor’s gloves, etc.
  • Plastic takes several years to decompose; it is not environmental friendly and causes environmental pollution so we should avoid the use of plastics as far as possible

Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics