CBSE Science Class 8

Materials: Metals and Non- Metals

Materials: Metals and Non- Metals - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Points To Remember:

  • There are 92 elements occurring naturally, out of which 70 are metals and about 22 are non- metals some elements show properties of both metals and non-metals they are called metalloids
  • Metals are solid, hard, malleable and ductile
  • Metals have high melting and boiling points and are good conductor of heat and electricity.
  • Non-metals may be solid, liquid or gas, and are not malleable and ductile.
  • Non- metals have low melting and boiling points and poor conductor of heat and electricity
  • Metals are sonorous
  • Metals react with acids to produce metal salts and hydrogen gas, generally non- metals do not react with acids
  • Some of the metals react with bases to produce hydrogen gas.
  • In aqueous solution less reactive metals are displaced by more reactive metals
  • Metals react with eater to produce metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas,non-metals do not react with water
  • Metals like gold, silver, platinum etc. retain their lustre because they do not react with air, water or acids. So they are called noble metals.
  • Both metals and non-metals are used widely in our day to day life

Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non- Metals