CBSE Science Class 7


Soil - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Very Short Q&A:

Q1: Name an important natural resource that supports growth of plants.
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Q2: Name major soil pollutants.
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Q3: Waste products and chemicals should be treated before they are released into the soil. True/False.
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Q4: Define humus.
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Q5: What do you mean by soil profile?
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Q6: What is soil?
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Q7: Name the process by which soil is formed.
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Q8: Each layer of soil differs in feel (texture), colour, depth and _______________.
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Q9: Loamy soil It is a mixture of
  1. sand
  2. soil
  3. silt
  4. All of the above
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Q10: Loamy soil also contains humus, and is, therefore, considered the best for the growth of plants. True/ False
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Q11: Name the soil with highest water absorption rate.
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Q12: Name the soil having very less space between particles.
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Q13: Clay soils are heavy and hold more _______________.
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Q14: Ram hast to grow wheat crop in his field, what kind of soil he will prefer?
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Q15: Deforestation causes
  1. Rainfall
  2. Water pollution
  3. Soil erosion
  4. None of these.
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Q16: Name some places with severe soil erosion.
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Q17: Classify soil on the basis of appearance and properties of particles.
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Q18: State on property of sandy soil.
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Q19: State on property of loamy soil.
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Q20: State on property of clayey soil.
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Q21: What is deforestation?
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Q22: In addition to rock particles, the soil contains
  1. Air and water
  2. Minerals
  3. Minerals, organic matter air and water
  4. Organic matter
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Q23: The water holding capacity is highest in
  1. clayey soil
  2. Loamy soil
  3. Sandy soil
  4. None of these
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Q24: Name the soil horizon which contains humus.
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Q25: Upper layer of soil is ___________ in colour.
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Q26: Middle layer of soil contains less amount of _________________.
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Q27: Why is uppermost layer of soil, dark in colour?
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Q28: Suggest an alternative of chemical fertilizer.
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Q29: Acid rain causes soil pollution or not?
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Q30: We can prevent soil erosion by:
  1. Using step farming in hill regions
  2. Afforestation
  3. Avoiding overgrazing of grass lands
  4. All of these
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Q31: Plastics and poly bags should get mixed in soil. True/False
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Q32: Humus is important for soil fertility. True/False
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Q33: If the amount of large and fine particles is about the same, then soil is called _____________.
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Q34: What is bedrock?
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Q35: Name the layer of soil having lesser amount of humus but more of minerals.
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Q36: What kind of soil is used for making matkas and toys?
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Q37: Give the formulae for percolation rate.
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Chapter 9 Soil

