CBSE Civics Class 7

Understanding Advertising

Understanding Advertising - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Points To Remember:

  • Media describes the various ways through which we communicate in society. It refers to all means of communication
  • The technology that mass media uses keeps on changing. Changing technology, or machines, and modernizing media helps it to reach more and more people
  • Television images travel long distances through satellites and cables. This allows us to view news and entertainment channels from other parts of the world
  • Mass media needs a great deal of money to do its work, thus most television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses
  • One way in which mass media earns is by advertising various products, property, job opportunities etc.
  • Media plays vital role in communicating government plans and work to people. In a democracy, citizens can take action against government works by organising a public protest, starting a signature campaign and asking the government to rethink about its programme
  • Media should provide balanced information. They should discuss all points and view of a particular story, and then should leave them to the readers to make up their minds
  • Media is far from independent, this is because of control of government over them. Government prevents some news items, scenes from a movie, or lyrics of songs from being shared with larger public, this is called as censorship
  • Television programmes gives us partial view of the world, it shapes our views of the world, our beliefs, attitudes and values
  • There are several instances when media fails to focus on issues that are significant in our lives, like issue of drinking water

Chapter 7 Understanding Advertising