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CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > Science > Sources of Energy

Nuclear Fission and Fusion

Q. 46. Write the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of each of the elements:

Q. 47. How energy released in a nuclear reaction is calculated?

Q. 48. With the help of an example describe the process of nuclear chain reaction. What happens of it is not controlled?

Q. 49. What is a controlled nuclear chain reaction? In which device is this type o reaction used?

Q. 50. Name the isotopes of uranium. What is meant by enrichment of nuclear reactor fuel?

Q. 51. With the help of a meant labelled diagram, explain the working principle of a nuclear reactor. What is the function of boron rods in a nuclear reactor?

Q. 52. Write the harmful effects of nuclear radiations.

Q. 53. Write the term nuclear wastes. What are the problems in their disposal?

Q. 54. What are the hazards of nuclear waste to the living organism? Suggest suitable measures to control them.

Q. 55. What is the source of sun’s energy?

Q. 56. Give three advantages of nuclear fusion process over nuclear fission to generate electricity.

Q. 57. Why can not nuclear fusion be carried out in nuclear reactor?

Q. 58. What is meant by energy crisis? State the factors responsible for energy crisis. State the ways to minimise the energy crisis.

Q. 59. State the differences between an atom-bomb and hydrogen bomb. Give some peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

  1. Rate Chemical Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium
  2. Sources of Energy
  3. Nuclear Fission and Fusion
  4. Metals and Non-metals
  5. Carbon Compounds
  6. Light: Reflection and Refraction.
  7. Electricity and Its Heating and Chemical Effect
  8. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  9. The Universe
  10. Nutrition and Respiration.
  11. Transportation and Excretion.
  12. Control and Coordination
  13. Reproduction
  14. Heredity and Evolution
  15. Environment and Environmental Problems