CBSE Important Questions

Social Science Class IX

French Revolution (Solved)

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Question .1. What was the role of Louis XVI in bringing about the revolution ?

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Question .2. What was French revolution ?

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Question .3. State the activities of the French monarchy which hastened the revolution.

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Question .4. Who were the Sans-Culottes ?

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Question .5. On which date did the French revolution take place ?

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Question .6. What did the French Revolution of 1789 stand for?

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Question .7. Explain what is the meaning of the terms Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

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Question .8. State why was the Bastille hated by all ?

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Question .9. What did the fall of Ballistic signify ?

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Question .10. State the immediate cause of rioting in Paris.

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Question .11. Write the name of the king and the queen of France at the time of French revolution.

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Question .12. State the state of the treasury when Louis XVI ascended throne.

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Question .13. What was the cause of involvement of France in the American War of Independence ?

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Question .14. State the three Estates into which French society was divided ?

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Question .15. State the classes which formed the privileged Estate.

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Question .16. State the privileges enjoyed by them.

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Question .17. What special feudal privilege was enjoyed by the nobles ?

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Question .18. State the special tax levied by the church on peasants.

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Question .19. State the name of tax levied by the State.

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Question .20. What were the three taxes levied on the Third Estate?  

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Question .21. Who did bear the burden of financing State activities ?

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Question .22. Why was the Third Estate not considered as the privileged class ?

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Question .23. What was the believe of the professionals in the Third Estate ?

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Question .24. State the names of at least three philosophers who inspired the Revolution.

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Question .25. Name the books written by John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Montesquieu.

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Question .19. Where and when was the first Socialist Government formed?

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Question .20. What do you mean by Russian Revolution?

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Question .21. Write the name of the Tsar at the time of Russian Revolution.

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Question .22. State the religious groups in Russia before 1914.

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Question . 23. State the contributions of Lenin.

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Question .24. Why emergence of the Soviet Union as a great power after First World War was considered a danger by many countries?

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Question .25. State the two stages of Russian Revolution.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]