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CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2010 > Science > Science By Shubham


Q. 1. W hat are acids?

Q. 2. What are bases?

Q. 3. What happens when sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with dilute hcl acid?

Q. 4. What is the colour phenolphthalein indicator in an acidic solution say in dilute hcl or dilute hydrogen sulphide acid?

Q. 5. Name some natural resourses of acids and name the acids present in them?

Q. 6. Name some materials which are made from common salt (nacl, sodium chloride).

Q. 7. Write chemical fomulae of the following salts:
washing soda, baking soda and bleaching powder.

Q. 8. What do you mean by water of crystallisation?

Q. 9. Write chemical fomulae of gypsum and plaster of paris. Also write their chemical names.

Q. 10. Write some important chemical properties of acid?

Q. 11. Write some important chemical properties of bases?

Q. 12. How is baking soda produced? Write some uses of their compound?

Q. 13. How is washing soda produced?

Q. 14. How is plaster of paris prepared? Write some of its important uses.

Q. 15. Write an activity to show the reaction of acid with metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonate salts.

Q. 16. Why should curd and sour substances not be kept in brass and copper vessels?

Paper By Shubham
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