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CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > Science > Biology By Mr. Saranjeet


Q. 176. What governs the opening and closing of leaf stomata.

Q. 177. How does water rise in the tall trees?

Q. 178. What is blood transfusion? When is it needed?

Q. 179. How the blood is classified into different groups? Write that main characteristics of these groups.

Q. 180. What do you understand by universal donor and universal recipient?

Q. 181. How Rh factor is important in child birth?

Q. 182. Explain the following:

  1. Pulse-rate
  2. Systolic pressure
  3. Diastolic pressure

Q. 183. What are the different waste products of plants and man?

Q. 184. Describe the excretion in amoeba and earth worm with labelled diagram.

Q. 185. Describe the structure and function of renal excretory system of man.

Q. 186. What is dialysis and how is it useful?

Q. 187. Differenitiate between artery and vein

Q. 188. What is urethra?

Q. 189. State the two vital function of human kidney.

Q. 190. Name the procedure used in the working of artificial kidney.

Q. 191. What is osmoregulation? How does it takes place in humans?

Q. 192. Which is the major nitrogeneous waste products in a human being? How is it removed form the body?

Q. 193. Name the breathing organs in fish.

Q. 194. Name the element present in haemoglobin.

Q. 195. Write the main function of WBCs.

Q. 196. Why there is no haemoglobin in the blood of insects?

Q. 197. What is ECG?

Q. 198. What is pace maker?

Q. 199. Which part of kidney acts as a dialysis bag?