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CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2010 > Science > Science By Mr. Vivek Yadav


Q. 1. explain double fertilization in plants?

Q. 2. what is the role of a catalyst in a chemical reaction?

Q. 3. what are isomers?

Q. 4. what is meant by 1 ohm?

Q. 5. write the chemical name and formula for plaster of paris?

Q. 6. What is meant by monohybrid and dihybrid cross?

Q. 7. state and explain ohm’s law.

Q. 8. state one limitation for the usage of hydro energy?

Q. 9. what is principle of electric motor?

Q. 10. why is DNA copying essential for reproduction?

Q. 11. What is meant by specition?

Q. 12. what is main function of nephron?

Q. 13. define rusting and rancidty?

Q. 14. state the functions of small intestine?

Q. 15. which class of compounds gives a positive fehling’s test?

Paper By Mr. Vivek Yadav
Email Id : [email protected]
Ph No.: 09411937022