CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Heritage of India [Early Phase] (Solved)

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Question .1. Write the names of two major components of heritage of India.

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Question .2. Give any five ethnic groups who contributed in making the Indian culture.

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Question .3. Which urban civilization developed first in India?

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Question .4. Name any five modern Indian states which were part of Harappan civilization.

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Question .5. Which important religions became popular around 6th centuary B. C. ?

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Question .6. In which script the Ashokan inscriptions were written?

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Question .7. Write the name of linguafranca (common language) of Bhudhist period?

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Question .8. Which ruler patronized the Mahayana sect of Buddhism? Which form of art was influenced by Mahayana Buddhism?

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Question .9. Give any two types of Buddhist architecture with examples.

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Question .10. In which part of India largest concentration of stupas are found?

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Question .11. In which state is Ellora situated? Why is it well known?

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Question .12. Which place in Orissa are well known for Buddhist and Jain rock-cut caves?

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Question .13. What is Vihara?

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Question .14. Where is Ajanta Caves in India and why is it famous for?

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Question .15. What are the main style of temple architecture in India?

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Question .16. Where have earliest forms of temple architecture found?

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Question .17. For which temple is Chalukyas well known?

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Question .18. Name the temples built by Pallawas.

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Question .19. Name the places in South India noted for Buddhist architecture.

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Question .20. How many caves are there in Ajanta?

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Question .21. For what Bagh Caves are known?

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Question .22. Give any two major groups of languages of ancient India with suitable examples.

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Question .23. Who was Panini? What was his achievements?

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Question .24. In which language was Buddhist literature compiled? What was the dialect of the common people at that time?

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Question .25. What is the earliest literature of the Aryans in India? How many hymns were there in that work?

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Question .26. Write the names of four Vedas.

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Question .27. Which is the single longest poem in India and world? How many verses are there in it?

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Question .28. Name the two great epics of India.

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Question .29. Name the works of Buddhist literature.

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Question .30. Who was Kalidasa? What was his famous work?

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Question .31. Who was Bana? What is his famous work?

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Question .32. Name the authors of the following books :

(i) Panchatantra

(ii) Katha-saritsagar

(iiii) Mudrarakshasa

(iv) Mrichchakatika

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Question .33. Write the name of some Dravida language.

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Question .34. Who wrote Milinda-pantha? What is there in this book?

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Question .35. Name important literary work in Tamil.

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Question .36. Who wrote Arthasastra? What subject does the book deal with?

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Question .37. Name the ancient scholars in medicine.

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Question .38. In which language was the original Mahabharata written?

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Question .39. Who was Bhasa? Why is he remembered?

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Question .40. Who wrote Vikramankadevacharita? What is the theme of this work?

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Question .41. Who wrote Tamil Ramayan?

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Question .42. Who was Thiruvalluvar?

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Question .43. Who compose Brihaddesi? Give its importance.

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Question .44. Name the greatest scholars of Carnatic music.

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Question .45. On the outline map of India show and name the following :

(i) Sanchi (ii) Konark

(iii) Ratha Temple, Mahabalipuram

(iv) Khajuraho

(v) Kanchipuram

(vi) Ajanta

(vii) Ellora.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]