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CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2010 > Science > Science By Mr. Tejendra


Q. 1. Give the function of Leucoplast in plants.(1)

Q. 2. Give one function of SER and RER each. (1)

Q. 3. Which epithelial tissue is found in surfaces where absorption and secretion occurs.(1)

Q. 4. Draw a neat labeled diagram of any type of complex tissue in Plants.(2)

Q. 5. Give hierarchy of classification. Who gave five kingdom classification.(2)

Q. 6. Differentiate Thallophyta and Bryophyta. Give one example each.(2)

Q. 7. What is the difference between tendon and ligament.(2)

Q. 8. What is a nucleoid. Which type of cell have it. List their one structural feature too which differentiate them from animal cells.(3)

Q. 9. Compare three types of muscle fibres structurally and functionally.(3)

Q. 10. What is the difference between Meristematic and Permanent tissue. Show the location of various types of Meristematic tissues via schematic diagram.(3)

Q. 11. Name a eukaryotic unicellular organism. Also name the kingdom it belongs to and what is its mode of nutrition.(2)

Paper By Mr.Tejendra
Email Id : [email protected]