English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.

English (Language And Literature) – 2008
(Set II – Outside Delhi)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 100

General Instructions.
(i) This paper consists of four Sections
Section A Reading 20 marks
Section B Writing 20 marks
Section C Grammar 15 marks
Section D Textbooks 45 marks

(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.

SECTION A - Reading (20)

Q.1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 12
The reason for my dislike for gymnastics was my keen desire to serve as nurse to my father. As soon as the school closed, I would hurry home and begin serving him. Compulsory exercise came directly in the way of this service. I requested Mr. Gimi, the headmaster, to exempt me from home gymnastics so that I might be free to serve my father. But he would not listen to me. Now it happened that one Saturday, when we had school in the morning, I had to go from home to the school for gymnastics at four o’clock in the afternoon. I had no watch, and the clouds deceived me. Before I reached the school the boys had all left. The next day Mr. Gimi, examining the roll, found me marked absent. Being asked the reason for absence, I told him what had happened. He refused to believe me and ordered me to pay a fi ne of one or two annas.

I was convicted of lying! That deeply pained me. How was I to prove my innocence? There was no way. I cried in deep anguish. I saw that a man of truth must also be a man of care. This was the fi rst and last instance of my carelessness in school. I have a faint recollection that I fi nally succeeded in getting the fi ne remitted. The exemption from exercise was of course obtained, as my father wrote himself to the headmaster saying that he wanted me at home after school.
(a) Why did Gandhiji not stay back for gymnastics after the school was over? 1
(b) What was made compulsory for the boys at school? 1
(c) Gandhiji requested for exemption from gymnastics. Why do you think the headmaster didn’t listen to him? 1
(d) “This was my fi rst and last carelessness in school.” What is the careless act of Gandhiji mentioned in this passage? 2
(e) What lesson did Gandhiji learn from this experience at school? 1
(f) Why did Gandhiji feel hurt when he was fi ned by the headmaster? 2
(g) Find out words from the passage which mean the same as the following: 2
(i) mental pain
(ii) was guilty of something wrong
(h) Find from the passage the noun forms of words given below : 2
(i) exempted
(ii) true

Ans. (a) Gandhiji did not stay back for gymnastics after the school was over because he wanted to hurry home to serve and nurse his father.
(b) Exercise was made compulsory for the boys at school.
(c) The headmaster didn’t listen to him probably because he thought Gandhiji was making lame excuses for exemption from gymnastics.
(d) Gandhiji’s careless act was that he reached late for gymnastics, when all the boys had already left.
(e) He learnt the valuable lesson that a man of truth must also be a man of care.
(f) Gandhiji felt hurt because he had been wrongly convicted of lying and could not prove his innocence. (g) (i) anguish (ii) convicted
(h) (i) exemption (ii) truth

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X