English Communicative 2008

English (Communicative) – 2008
(Set III – Outside Delhi)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 100

General Instructions:
(i) This paper consists of four Sections:
Section A - Reading 20 marks
Section B - Writing 30 marks
Section C - Grammar 20 marks
Section D -Literature 30 marks
(ii) Attempt all questions.
(iii) Do not write anything in the Question Paper.
(iv) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the Question Paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.
(v) Attempt all questions in each Section before going on to the next Section.
(vi) Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
(vii) Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question.

SECTION A (READING) (20 marks)

Q. 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
(12 marks)

  1. It is not paradoxical that this funny sensation, laughter, is still a mystery? It is not always easy to pinpoint what exactly provokes laughter. Take the case of tickling. The laughter raised by it is purely physiological. Or consider a smile. It has not been possible to explain satisfactorily what causes an infant’s smile when asleep or while awake. A smile is called silent laughter. A two-year old laughs uncontrollably every time its mother has a fit of coughing. May be, it finds her facial expressions during a cough extremely funny. Circus clowns evoke laughter by their mere appearance.
  2. Each one of us has an individual style of laughter. Often we are able to recognise a person, even before seeing him, by the sound of his laughter. There are several variants of laughter : a chuckle, giggle, snigger, guffaw, belly laugh and the like.
  3. Laughter could be a language by itself. Even without being backed by spoken words, it can convey messages. Suppose a village lad proposes to a lass he has taken a fancy to, she might just giggle and run away. She has conveyed her response to him. If a person accuses another of some improper behaviour, the accused might just laugh, which would amount to contemptuous dismissal of the allegation.
  4. But laughter and its variants are generally taken as indicators of mirth, amusement or an expression of happiness. Laughter and happiness go hand in hand. No one can laugh when sad or in pain.
  5. Realising the role of laughter in our lives, various ways to generate laughter have been devised. Comedy in plays, movies and TV programmes carries massive doses of fun. There are also clubs whose members gather solely to exchange laughter. Then there are plenty of comics and joke books in various languages meant to tickle your funny bone.
  6. That’s not all. Laughter is also being recognised as an acceptable form of therapy. Medical researchers have discovered that laughter can serve as an adjunct to the mainline treatment of diseases.
  7. As people seek laughter as an escape or diversion, those who provide it are not only in demand but popular too. Comedians of the English screen like Charlie Chaplin, Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy have enjoyed mass adulation. Indian comedians too have always been very popular.
  8. Apart from seeking fun from outside sources, it would be an added blessing if we possess the ability to see the lighter side of things in our day-to-day life; it would enable us to remain cheerful and happy, which is all what the laughter factories are about.

1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above assage,complete the following sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.(5 × 1 = 5 marks)
(a) A smile is ..........................
(b) Laughter is a language by itself for .......................... .
(c) Laughter is an indicator of .......................... .
(d) Massive doses of fun are found in .......................... .
(e) Comedians are very popular and in great demand because .......................... .

English Communicative 2008 Question Papers Class X
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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