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CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2013 > Mathematics > Arithmetic Progression By Mr. Ajay Kumar


Arithmetic Progression

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1. Which term of the sequence 4, 9, 14.... Is 124?

2. Find the 10th term from the end of A.P 3, 8, 13, 18...253

3. For what value of K, the number x, 3x +k, 3x+6, are three consecutive terms of A.P

4. How many numbers of two digits are divisible by 8?

5. Find the middle term of A.P 1, 8, 15..505

6. Write next term of A.P ?8, ?18, ?32....

7. What is the common difference of an A.P in which a23 - a18= 45

8. Find first there terms of an A.P whose nth term is -5+2x

9. In the given A.P, find the missing terms 0, _, -8, -12, _.

10. Find the sum of all odd integers between 1 and 100 which are not multiples of 4

11. How many terms of A.P 18, 16, 14.... Should be taken so that their sum is zero?

12. If the 10th term of an A.P is 47 and first term is 2, find the sum of the first 15 terms

13. Solve the equation -2+5+8..+x =155

14. Which term of A.P 121, 117, 113... Is the first negative term?

15. How many multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250?

16. IF the sum of n terms of an A.P is n2+ 2x, find the A.P and the 20th term.

17. For what values of n nth term of the series 3, 10, 17...And 63, 65, 67..Are equal.

18. If 9th term of an A.P is 0, prove that 29th term is double of the 19th term

19. Determine the A.P who's zero term is 16 and when 5th term is subtracted from 7th, we get 12

20. A sums of Rs 1000 is invested at 8% simple interest per year. Calculate the interest at the end of each year. Do these interests form an AP? If so, find the interest at the end of 30 years making use of this fact

21. The first term of an AP is 5, the last term is 45 and the sum is 400. Find the number of terms and the common difference.

22. The first and the last terms of an AP are 17 and 350 respectively. If the common difference is 9, how many terms are there and what is their sum?


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Submitted By Mr. Ajay Kumar
Email Id : [email protected]