CBSE releases the deadline to publish the mission statement

September 21, 2016, 3:09 pm

CBSE announced the deadline to publish the mission statements CBSE has asked schools to publish the mission statement on their websites. Schools have to do this before September 29th deadline. CBSE insisted the schools to publish the mission statement in March but not all the schools have done this. CBSE states that mission statement is being composed for the goals to be achieved by their institutions. CBSE states that accomplishing this mission is a mandatory requirement for CBSE schools. CBSE has presented a web link on the issued latter schools can click and enter their details given blow.


The board wrote "when schools are building and working to sustain their image, one of the most important considerations is their mission. A well thought out and well drafted mission statement provides them the focus, direction and motivation to achieve excellence through their curriculum" CBSE has thrown the light on the matter that mission statement will represent the values of schools and the work culture for students, teachers and stakeholders.