Chapter 8: Similar Triangles

Exercise - 14

1. Prove that the area of the equilateral triangles describe on the side of a square is half the are of the equilateral triangle describe on its diagonals.

2. In the given figure Also If BC = 12cm, find QR.

3. ABC is a triangle right angled at A, AD is perpendicular to BC. IF BC = 13cm and AC = 5cm, find teh ratio of the areas of and .

4. The area of two similar triagles are 121cm2 and 64cm2 respectively. If the median of the first triangle is 12.1cm, find the correstponding median of the other.

5. In an equilateral triangle with side a, prove that the area of the triangles is

6. D and E are points on the sides AB and Ac respectively of such that DE is parallel to BC and AD : DB = 4 : 5. CD and BE intersect each other at F. Find the ratio of the areas of and

(2) 6cm (3) 169 : 25 (4) 8.8cm
(6) 16 : 81    
Subjects Maths (Part-1) by Mr. M. P. Keshari
Chapter 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables
Chapter 2 HCF and LCM
Chapter 3 Rational Expression
Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations
Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions
Chapter 6 Instalments
Chapter 7 Income Tax
Chapter 8 Similar Triangles